How to Update the Pley SDK?

How to install a newer version of the Pley SDK in a Unity Project

Short Version: Updating the Pley SDK

1) Download the new SDK version from the Game Manager.

2) Close Unity.

3) Delete the Pley folder in your game project (Project/Assets/Pley).*

4) Restart Unity and open your project.

5) Install the new SDK version (Read how to here).


*After version 5.1.0

If you are updating from Pley SDK 5.1.0 or later, the folder structure is changed. Now, instead of deleting the entire Pley Folder, you just delete the SDK folder within (In Project/Assets/Pley/SDK, delete the SDK folder).


Unity does not allow the modification or replacement of DLL-files while it is running. Therefore, to update the Pley SDK we have to remove the old files before installing a new version.